
vanguard journalism

Something has been on my mind
for the past couple of months

our dear friend's
Laura Ling & Euna Lee
have been detained in
North Korea since march,
and they face trial
June 4

as you may know,
we have no diplomatic
relations with N. Korea

it seems like yesterday
we're all having dinner in nyc,
sharing adventures...

gosh we miss
them terribly and
we already feel a
great void in

and every night
until they are free,
light a candle with us
or in private

San Francisco Vigil
steps of city hall
wed. June 3


Joslyn said...

i'm so glad you posted about this. Laura's sister Lisa and I were good friends in high school. I've thought about Laura non stop.

Anonymous said...

We will keep the light burning for these brave women. GC

nath said...

praying for her

pam said...

Count me in. I am lighting a candle every day. Tragic.

Unknown said...

They will be in my thoughts and I will light a candle in their names.

Is it that on-going negotiations are so delicate that we have so little in the general media about this case?

(I just really wish I hadn't let myself read the hate-filled, ignorant you tube comments.)

Anonymous said...

it is one thing to hear about such things on the news...always seems a little abstract and distant...(know what i mean?) but then when one realises that they are of course real people...and real people know them...less of a distance and more of an understanding takes over....i'll light a candle. thank you for drawing this to my attention.

Anonymous said...

I miss them so much and thinking of the girls every moment of the day.

louise de Lima said...

I read your blog on Saturday and haven't stopped thinking about your friend since then. Is there any news? Please keep us posted.

Ashes and Milk said...

I just happen to come across your blog post today and it looks like you'll be at city hall in a few moments - I hope everything will be ok.


Le Bouton said...

sending you, and euna and laura my sincerest concerns. i read about the outrageous, groundless, painfully abstract sentence of 12 yrs.. how can this be.

Matthew said...

They're to be freed!