desert life

dusty brown dirt,
mangy dogs, pacifico
beerdinner looking onto the fields,
long siestas
under palapa,
giant spiders!
friendly peoplein bed at 9
weeks in mexicois quite a
luxury afteran intense fall.
readingthe keith richard's
book "
I'm reading Just Kids and listened to Richards on Fresh Air yesterday.
I never told you I ran into a friend of your sister's at Gravel & Gold and that I emailed with the woman in Rome, with the apartment. And the dates didn't work, but she recommended someone else and the dates didn't work with her either, but I think I never really thanked you for that. Because she was lovely. Thank you.
Be super well. Your dad too. Erica
i received "life" as a xmas gift, have to finish a noam chomsky reader first for the good conscience.
then i am looking forward to read "war and peace" to my
lovely wife- she promised to costume in several roles for me.
interactive she will read to me the new edition of "anna karenina"that just came out ,perhaps i also will appear in russian drag for certain scenes, i still am not sure.
intertwining these two epic books will leave us somehow breathless.
an advise to erica:
we lived on the right side of the "scalinata D'hispania" in a great old pension (where many of the action stars of the cincitta stayed) with parrotts walking the floors on commenting.its a great place and you dont see the "hassler" when looking out the window.
I've been reading your posts for sometime and I have a link to you on my site. I just thought I would tell you how much I enjoy it. I especially like the Morandi posts.
Lee, it´s nice be in bed at 9.
Beautiful locations there!
Do you speak spanish?
Sounds divine. I'm in snowy unplowed Brooklyn reading Keith Richard's Life. I'd rather be reading it in Mexico. Maybe next year.
I used to go to Baja Sur this time every year for a month. On one of the trips I found my dog. It has been years that I haven't gone and it has been growing in my mind. Now you post this! Gracias :)
oui ! vivre MA VIE ... merveilleux et quelle abondance dans l'instant si précieux... vos photos sont belles.
just finished "life" - awaiting some commentary coming up..?
i spent a week in mexico around the same time as you, and it was definitely luxury after fall. i want to do it every year if possible.
Good creative place for working with some old gringos every bit as old and rebellious as Mr. Richards.Thanks for all your good work from there and sharing your design expertise.
I love mexico too. I usually head for a small town on the coast. But this desert thing looks good. Where is a good spot?
hello dear Keith is my idol with patti you know who...
check his wardrobe, the best!
I want to contradict your motto "the destination is your journey" with this soft potrey from the charming greek poet Kavafy , Ithaca:
"When you set sail for Ithaca,
wish for the road to be long,
full of adventures, full of knowledge.
The Lestrygonians and the Cyclops,
an angry Poseidon -- do not fear.
You will never find such on your path,
if your thoughts remain lofty, and your spirit
and body are touched by a fine emotion.
The Lestrygonians and the Cyclops,
a savage Poseidon you will not encounter,
if you do not carry them within your spirit,
if your spirit does not place them before you.
Wish for the road to be long.
Many the summer mornings to be which with
pleasure, with joy
you will enter ports seen for the first time;
stop at Phoenician markets,
and purchase the fine goods,
nacre and coral, amber and ebony,
and exquisite perfumes of all sorts,
the most delicate fragances you can find,
to many Egyptian cities you must go,
to learn and learn from the cultivated.
Always keep Ithaca in your mind.
To arrive there is your final destination.
But do not hurry the voyage at all.
It is better for it to last many years,
and when old to rest in the island,
rich with all you have gained on the way,
not expecting Ithaca to offer you wealth.
Ithaca has given you the beautiful journey.
Without her you would not have set out on the road.
Nothing more has she got to give you.
And if you find her threadbare, Ithaca has not deceived you.
Wise as you have become, with so much experience,
you must already have understood what Ithacas mean"
To Anonymous (Jan 15):
That poem was priceless. Thank you for such a charming way to close my evening.
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