
the mixed emotions
of our sheltering sky

paintings by
JMW Turner

we're always at a loss for
words when trying to recall
a sunset or that feeling
before a big storm

and after...

when the
clouds lift

and the light
becomes more
magnificent than
on a clear day.

even though we
think we have control,
we spend every moment of our
waking lives trying to express,
understand and articulate what
we're feeling or experiencing
on this foreign planet

in our own

to confront that chaos
we use whatever we can
get our hands on to
make sense of it

and people still ask
"why does art matter"?


"I couldn't
possibly tell you.

It's here.
Can't you feel it?

everything is
in color and I can
feel the air"


Laura said...

Beautiful words, also the paintings of course.

Anonymous said...

I love the title of your blog, great post.

kitchu said...

yes, yes, and yes.

Véronique said...

Quelle coïncidence ! Ce sont justement ces splendides images de tempête sur la mer que je vais montrer à mes élèves, je suis professeur d'art plastique dans un collège en France.
Votre blog est magnifique et je vais très souvent m'y promener avec beaucoup de plaisir.
Continuez s'il vous plaît !

anyaadores said...

Loving the paintings and the amazing words - great post:) Have a sunny day,

Anonymous said...

Those paintings are pure perfection!

Camila Faria

E. said...

Beautifully worded.

x E.

Anonymous said...

Why do you consider Earth a "foreign planet"?

classiq said...

Amazing paintings and such beautiful words. :)

Harry said...

The paintings are sooo...o beautiful.

Our Youth said...

The paintings... and the words are so lovely! Ahhh.

Vodafone India said...

Beautiful words well complimented by amazing art...

Tiffany D'Souza said...

Beautiful words and beautiful art. It's like you were reading my mind.