
part II

I have this great desire
to dress 19th c victorian.
But do it minimally

I would wear long skirts
and lace-up boots
with a simple

The key is to
do it in a way that
doesn't make it look
too historical or like
a period costume.

scroll down



Anonymous said...

.I remember her store in Soho in the early 90's..It was like an old cobblers shop...It was back when Soho only had a few stores...ahhhh. She would take victorian doll dresses and dip them in wax and they became sculpture...

inkysocks said...

yum. have you seen the movie pretty baby?

Michelle Parks McCourt said...

I really like the look of these clothes, they look comfortably chic.
ps great blog

. said...

wildly attractive

Anonymous said...

love her work.


if you missed it.

Anonymous said...

what gorgeous stuff. i love that first dress. and i too harbor fantasies of lace up boots and long skirts...

J Elaine said...

VERY inspirational. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

so lovely!
I adore your blogxx

Anonymous said...

I really like this cloths, specially fifth one.