
a history of denim
demin, ie: jean
is probably the most
versatile and democratic
material in fashion history
and its a product of U.S.A.
we may not have couture or expert
european tailoring, but America
has always had its denim.
ah, the daisy miller of
denim transcends
social and economic lines;
blurring all notions of
causal / formal.
in the end,
it all comes down to the
individual and what he or she
is about at that very moment.
we wear denim.
then again, I still admire my
grandmother's incredible elegance,
and her refusal to wear denim at all costs.
there is a beauty in that as well.
yes, i think often about the place and trajectory of denim, how we can read our social history in this fabric. it tells so many stories.
i really like this. not just today. all the days. hello!
i recently learned from an episode of Rick Steves' Europe that the basic origins of american 'jeans' comes from nimes, france--hence, 'des nimes' = 'denim'
neat eh?
love your blog.
wow. that is so interesting. thanks for sharing! so i guess everything good comes from france...
I tried to go denim free but my boots just wouldn't let me.
do you misspell denim intentionally?
i don't mean to be critical. just wondering.
i really enjoy your blog.
ah man! thanks for catching that! i can't spell for my life.
it seems like exactly the kind of quick-typing mistake i'd make...and not a super-obvious one, at that.
I'm lost in your archives, and Leroy's blog meant so much to my mother- I read his archives on his passing. A sweet diversion: "Ah the Daisy Miller of fashion!"
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