we're always at a loss for words when trying to recall a sunset or that feeling before a big storm
and after...
when the clouds lift
and the light becomes more magnificent than on a clear day.
even though we think we have control, we spend every moment of our waking lives trying to express, understand and articulate what we're feeling or experiencing on this foreign planet
and in our own minds
to confront that chaos we use whatever we can get our hands on to make sense of it
I remember seeing Jane
speak when I was 15 or so.
She gave one of the most
inspiring lectures I've
heard in my life
without a doubt,
I think she is the most
influential woman
in the world
an advocate
for chimps and thus
an advocate of humanity
2 or 3 things
you might not know:
Jane's mother
left her provincial
life in Britain to journey
with her to africa and
live in the jungle.
for the 1950's,
it was pretty rare for two
women to do something like that
especially considering Jane was 23
and had no field experience.
the photos above were
taken by national geographic
photog Baron Hugo van Lawick who was sent to Gombe to photograph
a young woman he heard was
living with the chimps.
they fell
in love.
I can see why.
look how beautiful
she was and still is.
i did not mean to
leave you hanging
you must assume
from my last post
that I'm on a very
long vacation
and you're
becoming a bit bitter
that I'm living such
a life of leisure
or maybe
but to clear the
rumors and afternoon
tea gossip, I am in fact
not in new york.
I am working
on a project
and I'm missing
2 or 3 terribly.
I promise
to get in a better
posting routine
this fall