
we've all
experienced it...
that special time
when certain colors, textures
moods and environments
drive you wild.
a simple scene
from a movie keeps
you up all night
even a phrase
heard on the

from then on,
you have a gesture
in your head.
and you do
whatever it takes
to illustrate it, to make it real.
ah! the insanity
the vulnerability
the fun, the fear.
there's no turning
back at this point
you're in it.
i post often about fashion.
but i wouldn't say its because
i have a desire to buy or
wear the clothing.
it's just that it is
impossible to discriminate
fashion from the creative process.
as a young designer
i'm fascinated by
all dreamers.
i want to vicariously
experience the same
textures, colors and
moments inside a
designer's head.
i observe and
try to understand
the ideas that conceive
their work/collections
i love how
the result is
is never literal.
but a melange of influences,
a complex genetic code,
a great mystery.
it's like exploring
a brave new world.
i learn from
it every time.
ph: evan sung
collection previews:
band of outsiders
derek lam
rag & bone